Saturday, June 10, 2006

Question from the viewing public

Anonymous asked if the Russian in the video I referred to in my previous post is actually Russian. As far as I know he is not. He is well-known author Paul Davidson who writes for Wired magazine and has just released a new book, The Lost Blogs. He's a very funny guy who does funny books and accents very well.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Finally had time for Illustration Friday

The Illustration Friday topic this week is "Portrait." This is a quickie portrait sketch of a very pretty baby girl named Antonia -- I plan to do more.

In other news, my daughter is appearing in a show, "Subject Line Here," on June 16th. If you are in the LA area check it out -- it's a fundraiser for the Leukemia/Lymphoma society. If you saw her video, 3 of the people who appear in will also be in the show: Shane Nickerson (The Nickerblog in a toga), AJ Gentile (Gaelic guy with a pink rose on his t-shirt) and Paul Davidson (the Russian).